Hello Guys, welcome to yet another amazing article of mine. Well, every day we surf the internet to know what is actually happen basically on news, sports, currencies, entertainment and more. Do we actually know about Blockchain? Oh, I will go through that quickly. Blockchain is a technology that distributes the subsets of ledgers. So this technology has the ability to distribute a network of computer servers and collectively maintain and save data records collectively. Blockchain plays an important role in today’s society since its invention. Who loves Gambling? Today’s article is actually based on Gambling. Talking about gambling I can give some quick facts as the gambling industry has since generated $137.9billion, that in revenue in 2018. The company are well making a lot of profit, do the customers do? What if I tell you that you have a chance of making profits too if you stick with AIO CASINO THE PLATFORM A new generation for gamblers? AIO Casino i...