Hello guys, welcome to yet may latest article review I wish to share with you. Many decades, we all know briefly about e-commerce, their importance, and problems. I will take them one after the other.
   Based on stats, e-commerce has grown tremendously in the past few decades, the industry having worth a staggering $2.4 trillion by the year 2018 and is said to grow up to $4.48 trillion by 2021. Its popularity has made it one of the largest industry in the world and many people do use this services daily. Do you know that in 2017, 1.66 billion people have started purchasing goods online? Maybe you don’t know that the truth. The means of selling goods online is one of the fastest and easiest ways to overcome some shopping mall problems.
     However, e-commerce is a process of buying and selling of goods, products through online services or over the internet. It has drawn technology to its limit such as electronic funds transfer, mobile commerce, internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), supply chain management and so on.
    So e-commerce is important to many of us, I will be listing them below.
•    They deal with a wide variety of products: Normally, we all know sometimes shopping in traditional and some local stores are not convenient for most customers. Let’s take, for example, most people have to visit 4-5 stores in one area in search of a bag to buy. Despite looking for the one he/she likes, he might end up not liking the color, size, design and maybe the price. That was e-commerce comes in, it provides more variety by developing large boundaries of products for consumers
•    More exciting shopping offers: You find out that most times customers who shop at the mall or traditional stores find it difficult to negotiate price offer of expensive goods. Moreover, e-commerce online shopping gives a certain discount to customers so they can purchase their favorite goods or products.
There are more but because of time let’s go to the problem. They are
•    ABILITY TO CHOOSE FROM PARTNERS AND RIGHT TECHNOLOGY: Most online retailers do face challenges based on growth due to lack of technology. Moreover, most of them do hire the wrong agencies/partners to help manage projects.
•     CUSTOMER LOYALTY: Loyalty per say, majorly most times e-commerce companies find it difficult to build trust with customers or loyalty. In most cases, buyer and sellers will not know each other or even making transactions.
So what is the solution have we created, I present to IOU

Imagine the power of both Blockchain technology, Cryptocurrency and E-commerce. That what IOU is bringing to you.
   Its main focus is to empower Consumers and Blockchain merchants with a decentralized peer-to-peer technology and a secured platform so that customer’s loyalty and satisfaction through merchants will be tradable with IOUs platform.
   IOU platform provides opportunities for business merchants in the world so as to enhance a better interaction with consumers, growth in revenue through freely tradable IOUs, investment attraction and even a loyalty system organization.
  Through Blockchain, the platform offers security, traceability of transactions, visibility, and speed of processing. IOU customers and merchant offers a clear advantage over traditional e-commerce that enables transactions secured and cost-efficient.
 It features a token, a utility token which will be utilized in so many ways. They are promotional offers, VIP Merchant Status, Loyalty Token Grants, Escrow Management and many others.

Finally, I would be saying that this is the best opportunity for all, every individual who shop online and the ones who don’t. IOU has seemed all the flops and repair them providing a more suitable platform.

For information, click on the links below. Thanks. 
BitcoinTalk Username: kelvinkent
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=2313436


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